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Troop 83 is boy-led and based on the patrol method. The boys do just about everything themselves - make the menus, cook the food, run the meetings, teach the lessons, run the games. That means that you won't see an adult running any troop activity or planning a troop outing, that's the Senior Patrol Leader's job. Adults will also not be planning meals for the boys, controlling gear, or correcting scouts. Adults will address the Senior Patrol Leader if something needs to be done, stop an activity if it is unsafe, and make suggestions.

“The object of the patrol method is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy.”


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In Troop 83 advancement is an individual responsibility. All scouts are encouraged to advance in rank. Activities are designed with advancement in mind. Troop meeting time is set aside to teach skills. Newer scouts are selected to participate in activities they do not have signed off. But when it comes down to completing requirements or earning merit badges that is the individual boy's responsibility.

"An invaluable step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual."


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Troop activities are chosen by the scouts. Meeting nights are often accompanied by games such as ultimate frizbee, football, soccer, gatorball, and guard the president. Campout activities are preceeded by lessons on skills the scouts will need to be successful. The lessons are led by an experienced scout or a subject matter expert. Troop 83 tries to keep the "outing" in scouting. Meetings are used for learning skills and planning adventures but the goal is always to be doing something in the outdoors.

“A boy is not a sitting-down animal.”


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